Marketing 101: Being SMART About Your 2021 Marketing Goals

Written by Oh, Hello Branding Group | Jul 15, 2020 11:00:00 AM

Get ahead for the upcoming year and make sure your marketing goals are SMART. SMART marketing goals are essential to any business owner, and those who do not utilize them are at a huge disadvantage.


What are SMART Marketing Goals?







These goals are universally utilized throughout marketing, whether you're in digital marketing, inbound marketing, or traditional marketing.


Imagine your boss asks you to come up with a strategy to acquire new customers, and asks you to lead the project. Your first assignment is to come up with an overarching goal. Your first thought is: Generate more leads. Great start! But when you report back to your boss, what do you think would sound better, "Hey boss, I just came up with our campaign goal: to generate more leads" or "Hey boss, I just came up with our campaign goal: to generate 20% more leads by the end of Q3 by utilizing blog and SEO strategies". It's a no-brainer. The second option!


The second option is Specific (utilize blog and SEO strategies) Measurable (20% more leads) Attainable (a reasonable percent increase) Relevant (generate more leads) and Time-bound (by the end of Q3). The SMART framework provides everything you need to create realistic goals that you can actually achieve, while still allowing accountability.


By using the SMART framework when setting goals for your company, you will not only create goals and campaigns that you can actually track and analyze, you will impress your boss too. It's a win-win!


If you'd like to learn more about SMART Marketing goals or need a little more inspiration to create your own, download our FREE SMART Marketing Goals template here


And if you'd like a real person to discuss potential goals and how your company can reach them, click the button below to schedule a free consultation.